
Jack Fruit Plant

Original price was: ₹175.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

Jack Fruit Kathal, Artocarpus Heterophyllus ( Grafted ) , plaav – Artocarpus Heterophyllus – Grafted – Plant. Temperature: It flourishes at 21-32° C and does not yield well where the temperature exceeds 40° or drops to 5° C. ” Comes in a Black Cover “.



Jack FruitKathal, plaav – Artocarpus Heterophyllus – Grafted – Plant. Temperature: It flourishes at 21-32° C and does not yield well where the temperature exceeds 40° or drops to 5° C. Height: 80 feet. In Asia, jackfruits ripen principally from March to June, April to September, orJune to August, depending on the climatic region, with some off-season crops from September to December, or a few fruits at other times of the year.


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